Tu, yo y google.

Busco hombre con apellido exótico para boda de conveniencia….

Me llamo Elena Rodríguez y mi ranking de google es terrible.

¿Tú me googleas?

Amanda Palmer.
I google you
late at night when I don’t know what to do.
I find photos
you’ve forgotten
you were in
put up by your friends.

I google you
when the day is done and everything is through.
I read your journal
that you kept
that month in France.
I’ve watched you dance.

And I’m pleased your name is practically unique.
It’s only you and
a would-be PhD in Chesapeake
who writes papers on
the structure of the sun…
I’ve read each one.

I know that I
should let you fade
but there’s that box
and there’s your name.
Somehow it never makes the pain
grow less or fade or disappear…
I think that I should save my soul and
I should crawl back in my hole.
But it’s too easy just to fold
and type your name again…
I fear
I google you
whenever I’m alone and feeling blue.
And each scrap of information
That I gather
says you’ve got somebody new.
And it really shouldn’t matter…
Ought to blow up my computer
but instead…
I google you.

Hace 11 años, google llegó para cambiar nuestras vidas. Hoy es el buscador preferido por el 95% de los españoles, que se ve que nos mola lo del monopolio.

Una prueba más de que internet no hace nada más que sacar nuestro lado más humano… el bueno y el malo.

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